domenica 1 dicembre 2019

Macallan Bar - Macau

Thanks to the visit of some relatives coming from overseas, I had the chance to go back again to Macau. 
Now there's a very convenient way to reach the town of gambling in Asia: the longest bridge over and under water connecting Hong Kong, Macao and Zhohai. With only 65 HKD it is possible to reach Macau in one hour time leaving from Lantau Island by comfortable and smart shuttle golden colored buses.

Among all casinos there is one special venue, the Macallan Bar within Galaxy Macao, whereby they offer a very appealing and trendy Happy Hour: you're granted the discount percentage according to Your age!!! Isn't it super smart and gorgeous? Let's call and invite Your grandpa to join in 😉 

Luxurious amazing room with soft velvet sofas, wooden walls and a cozy, warm welcoming atmosphere. Have a look and enjoy it fully!

On top of this, there is Terrazza, a high-end fine dining Italian restaurant, offering the best of food & wine. Look at me with this magnum Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1994! Outstanding evening. Unforgettable drinking & pairing

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